Dominic’s dad and brother came back for more fun in the arenas of floor joist replacement and cast iron drain pipe removal. Steve also introduced us to a basic tenet of home improvement, one that we have returned to time and time again, and one that is a metaphor for life, really.
Each project entails three trips to the hardware store.
Trip #1: The Stuff You Think You Need
Armed with your carefully made list of supplies and a fresh supply of energy, you stride confidently through the aisles on this virgin trip. You gather the necessary materials, and begin to do the mental math about how many hours the project will take before you can have lunch and begin the next project on your “To Do” List.
Trip #2: The Stuff You Got Wrong
On this next trip, you are a little less perky as you wait first in the “Returns” Line before returning to the shelves to pick up the supplies again – this time in the correct size, shape, gauge, color, motif, ____________ (fill in the blank here). Now you’re hungry and frustrated, as it’s almost lunchtime and nothing has really been accomplished yet. You have no new chitchat to make with the cashier.
Trip #3: The Stuff You Didn’t Realize That You Needed
After the meltdown you have when you discover that you must, indeed, return to the hardware store for some forgotten or overlooked component, you call upon your inner do-it-yourselfer to buck up, baby. You pick up a high-calorie meal to restore yourself, and choose a new hardware store where you won’t have to look the same employees in the eyes. Hopefully you’ll have what you need by nightfall, so that tomorrow morning you’ll be able to begin the project anew.
We have found that all three trips are important. While we do need to have a “big picture” sort of plan to endure the home improvement process, we have learned a lot from our mistakes and surprises along the way.